Membership in GLAC allows you to participate in the GLAC forum, attend any event you wish, receive a monthly newsletter of upcoming events and activities, and borrow club gear. You will meet adventure-minded people who enjoy a variety of year-round outdoor activities. You might learn a new outdoor activity from skilled GLAC members who are always willing to share their knowledge with you. Exploring new territory is more fun and less intimidating when shared with someone who has experience.
Dues are $15 per family* per year, due upon joining, and renewed each January. New member dues paid in October or later would also apply to the following full year. Dues cover the costs of club operation (newsletter, website, brochures, meeting room rental). Whatever is left over is used to purchase gear for the club or contributed to causes that align with our mission.
* For GLAC membership purposes, a family consists of a single or a couple and their family members that live at the same address.
To join, fill out this form and this waiver bring them to a meeting or mail it to P.O. Box 634 Portage, MI 49081-0634. Pay online or include your check for $15 made out to Great Lakes Adventure Club. Members joining in the last 4 months of the year may have dues waived until the next January. Before joining, you are welcome to come to a meeting to find out about us, sign up for a trip or activity, see if the club is for you. You can participate in two activities before joining. As a first time guest you will receive one complimentary newsletter.
GLAC is committed to protecting the personal privacy of its members. The GLAC Database Administrator maintains an excel spreadsheet of member’s names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails and interests that we make available to GLAC members once yearly, as a vehicle to contact each other. If you want any or all of your information removed from the list, please inform the GLAC Database Administrator.
Please see the GLAC by-laws for official policies on membership and dues.